Anti Human Trafficking & Smuggling
Anti Human Trafficking and Smuggling Wing
Human Trafficking/ Migrant smuggling is an international crime which is multi-dimensional in nature. In order to eliminate or curb this international crime web, a consolidated and well-coordinated effort is required. This perpetual crime web needs to be monitored and unearth through joint efforts starting from the origin of the victim through its transit route to the end of his final journey. So, it will be fruitless and a futile attempt if a coordination gap exists between the departments within a country or internationally agencies. Therefore, following departments play their respective roles with well-developed coordination and cooperation
Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants represent great challenges as they are an obstacle to development, to the rule of law and a serious threat to human security as both crimes affect directly the lives and dignity of human beings. Human trafficking is one of the most serious human rights violations of our modern world that brings high profits to traffickers through the acquisition and exploitation of human beings by improper means such as force, fraud or deception. Smuggled migrants have human rights which must be respected, including the right to be treated with dignity and the right to personal safety.
INTCIPOL-International Police Law Enforcement Commission aims against the Anti Human Trafficking and Smuggling Wing:
- Strengthen the legislative and policy frameworks,
- Take affirmative action to increase women’s participation/representation in key institutions mandated to combat HTMS especially law enforcement agencies, criminal justice institutions and the judiciary
- Enhance capacities – in identification, investigation and prosecution and protection of the victims/smuggled migrants;
- Increase gender and age disaggregated data on the nature and scale of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants;
- Increase awareness on the HTMS crimes, Enhance cooperation on national, regional and international levels.
The Human traffickers / smugglers mostly use forged documents to travel abroad. So, concerned departments are being involved and taken into loop to adopt measures to avoid forgery of documents and solid evidence collection.
In Human Trafficking / Smuggling, Internet is used as mode of communication so Cyber Crime Cell intercepts the communication of Human Traffickers / Smugglers and takes action against them.
In Human Trafficking payments are mostly made through illegal channels. So, this Circle monitors illegal money transfers and suspected accounts.